[主讲人: 刘翔] [时间: 2010-12-20 13:30:00]
主讲人:美国阿尔卡特-朗讯贝尔实验室 刘翔博士
报告摘要:In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in telecommunication capacity, fiber-optic communication systems have been evolving dramatically over the past decade. The fiber-optic communication traffic growth has been at a rate of about 2 dB per year, representing a traffic increase of a factor of 100 in 10 years. The capacity increase in fiber-optic communication systems has been achieved mainly by increasing the data rate per wavelength channel. In this presentation, I will review the current technologies that enabled the success of 100-Gb/s transport, and explore future technologies that may enable 400-Gb/s and 1-Tb/s transmission.
主讲人简介: Xiang Liu received his Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Cornell University in 2000. Since joining Bell Labs as a Member of Technical Staff in 2000, Dr. Liu has been primarily working on high-speed optical communication technologies. Dr. Liu has authored/coauthored more than 190 journal and conference papers, and holds over 35 US patents. He is a Fellow of the OSA and a Senior Member of the IEEE. Dr. Liu is serving as an Associated Editor of Optics Express covering the optical communication area, and as a technical committee member for OFC, ACP, and the OSA annual meeting.