From Plasmon to Plasmonics-The Frontier of Modern Optics on Nano-scale Patterned Surfaces 学术讲座


上传人:admin 上传时间:2017-10-23

视频描述: [主讲人: 杨傅子] [时间: 2011-05-12 15:30:00] 主要内容:The application of surface plasmon in high speed optical switching. 主讲人简介:Fuzi Yang (杨傅子),Professor in Chemistry Department, Tsinghua University. Visiting Professor Working in Physics School, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics Sciences College, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QL, United Kingdom. 1989-1991 PhD, Physics, Physics Department. Exeter University, United Kingdom. 1978-1981 MSc, Laser and Atom-Molecular Physics, Foundation Department, Tsinghua University,Beijing,China. 1962-1968 BSc,Experimental Nuclear Physics, Engineering-Physics Department, Tsinghua University Research Areas : Optical Physics, Optical Characterization of Surface, Interface and Thin-Films, Liquid Crystal Physics and Optics, Photonic crystals and Plasmonics on variety of Micro- and Nano-structured surfaces.