Efficient applications of operator splitting methods to some imaging problems 学术讲座


上传人:admin 上传时间:2017-10-23

视频描述: [主讲人: 袁晓明博士] [时间: 2012-03-08 10:00:00] 内容摘要:There appear growing interests in applying advanced optimization methods to solve signal and imaging processing problems. In this talk, I will focus on the applications of some operator splitting methods originated from the classical augmented Lagrangian method to some interesting problems such as compressive sensing, imaging decomposition, video surveillance problems. 报告人介绍: Xiaoming Yuan received his B. Sc and M.Phil from Nanjing University, and Ph.D from City University of Hong Kong, all majoring in Mathematics. He joined Hong Kong Baptist University in 2008 as an assistant professor. He currently also serves as the general secretary of Hong Kong Mathematical Society. His research focuses on numerical optimization and operations research, including variational inequalities and equilibrium problems, sparse and low-rank optimization, and applications arising in image processing, statistics and operations management.