Spectrum sharing and networking issues in 5G mmWave cellular Networks 学术讲座


上传人:bupt 上传时间:2017-11-27

视频描述: 主讲人: Michele Zorzi教授(IEEE Fellow) 开始时间: 2017-11-24 10:00 结束时间: 2017-11-24 12:00 地点: 教三 楼811 主办单位: 校学术委员会、信息与通信工程学院、信息网络体系构建与融合学科创新引智基地 主讲人介绍: Michele Zorzi是意大利帕多瓦大学(The University of Padova, Italy)教授、IEEE Fellow。他目前的研究领域包括移动通信系统中的性能评估,移动无线网络中的随机接入,自组织和传感器网络和物联网,能量受限通信协议,5G毫米波系统以及水下通信和网络。 内容摘要: This talk will discuss some relevant networking issues for 5G mmWave cellular systems. First, we will give an extensive discussion on the potential benefits and technical challenges of spectrum sharing in ammWave context. We will show that from this points of view this scenario is much more promising than traditional cellular systems in sub-6 GHz bands. We will also discuss the role of coordination between different operators for the purpose of managing the inter- and intra-system interference, which is shown to be the ultimate limiting factor in spectrum sharing. Second, we will discuss how directionality makes it more difficult to implement and operate network management functionalities, with specific reference to Initial Access and Cell Search, where the energy/latency/detection tradeoff is of particular interest. Finally, we will briefly describe our full-stack 5G mmWave cellular simulator, which includes the whole protocol suite as well as detailed mmWave channel models, and present some examples of system-level results it can provide.